Frangar, non flectar.

When gone is the hand that feeds, one must take over the reins for the sake of the weak; love and respect shall be the reward.

Account Rules

➤ DMs are open for plotting and friendly chatting between muns only; I don't RP in DMs.
➤ I do not tolerate any kind of discrimination.
➤ I do not tolerate the use of any slurs, unless reclaimable.
➤ Stay away from me if you're a lewd-only or lewd-focused account, you ship incest, you ship minors with adults, you sexualize minors, you support bi/pan lesbians and/or you don't support non-binary lesbians.
➤ If we're mutuals, soft-block or hard-block me instead of just unfollowing me, please.
➤ This account is multiship.
➤ Unless plotted, don't get in the way of my ships and dynamics with other characters; this applies to both IC and OOC, joking or not.
➤ Similarly, unless plotted, please don't show jealousy regarding my ships; again, both IC or OOC, joking or not.
➤ Feel free to DM me if you have any questions, I'm really friendly and don't mind chatting with fellow writers.

Character Profile

➤ Name: Kentaro Gushiken, A.K.A. "Kenken".

➤ Age: 25.

➤ Birthday: August 11th.

➤ Height: 5' 9''.

➤ Pronouns: He/Him.

➤ Sexuality: Pansexual.

➤ Occupation: Delinquent.


Kentaro Gushiken, affectionately known as "Kenken" by his friends and subordinates, is the short-tempered leader of the Blackthorn Beetles, a bosozoku gang known throughout the streets of Johto; however, he wasn't always the loud, proud, charismatic leader he has come to be known as.
What made Kentaro who he is today was his family, comprised of himself, his parents, his two younger sisters and his little brother, the youngest of the family. Despite his troubled school life due to his low grades and frequent fights on school grounds, his childhood was a relatively average one. Later in his life, however, is when things started to go downhill.
At some point around the birth of the two twin sisters, when Kentaro was 17, his parents joined Team Rocket in an attempt to ease their financial struggles; and for a good few years, they did, to the point of being confident enough in their financial situation to have another child, Kentaro's youngest sibling. It was not long after his birth, however, that the two were arrested for their criminal activities, leaving Kentaro alone to take care of his siblings.
Unable to afford rent, yet refusing to give his beloved siblings up to some orphanage or similar institution, Kentaro and the kids left their home, searching for somewhere else to live. Eventually, they ended up settling for an abandoned, dilapidated house on the far outskirts of Blackthorn City; through days of hard work, Kentaro fixed up the building as best as he possibly could, making it into the rather cozy home it is today.
Since then, with the support of some similarly troubled former classmates of his, Kentaro has made a name for himself as leader of the Blackthorn Beetles by engaging in fights with increasingly more renowned rival gangs, recruiting more and more members along the way. However, despite his short temper and his violent ways, at heart he is a good person who will stop at nothing for the wellbeing of his siblings.

Misc. Facts

➤ Kentaro often engages in Heracross fighting, a niche form of Pokémon battles where Trainers make their Heracross face off against each other in a ring and betting on whose beetle will be victorious. His Heracross, Tarotaro, is renowned amongst fans and participants of the sport.

➤ He cares greatly for his customized motorcycle, which he's spent more money than he'd like to admit on; he only allows those he trusts most to get near it. His bike's exhaust makes a unique rumbling sound, easily recognizable by his subordinates as well as rival gang members.

➤ Due to having to care for his 3 younger siblings, Kentaro is surprisingly good at household tasks like cooking and cleaning.

➤ He harbours a lot of hate towards Kraven Altavilla and their organization, often speaking out against them due to their devious ways and the many contradictions in their agenda; in reality, though, the cause of such hatred is much more personal and petty, as Kentaro believes Kraven "ripped off his style", as he puts it.

Pokémon Team

❝Prince❞ 【 ᏝᎥᏋᎮᏗᏒᎴ 】


-【Sucker Punch】
-【Play Rough】
-【Shadow Claw】







-【Confuse Ray】


【Snow Cloak】



❝Claptrap❞ 【 ፈᏗᏒᏁᎥᏉᎥᏁᏋ 】


-【Power Whip】
-【Knock Off】
-【Fury Cutter】
-【Swords Dance】





❝Nagi❞ 【 ᎶᎧᏒᏋᏰᎩᏕᏕ 】


-【Hydro Pump】
-【Ice Beam】
-【Signal Beam】
-【Shell Smash】





❝ Momo❞ 【 ᎷᎥᎶᏂᏖᎩᏋᏁᏗ 】


-【Fire Fang】
-【Thunder Fang】
-【Iron Tail】







-【Pin Missile】
-【Arm Thrust】
-【Bullet Seed】
-【Rock Blast】



